Grupo Bancolombia



What does it mean to be sustainable?

What does it mean to be sustainable?

Sustainability means acting in the present, thinking about the future, it means that every decision we make generates value in the communities where we are present, projecting economic growth, social welfare and environmental care.


Our Sustainability Report

We promote sustainable development for the well-being of all.

Read the Management Report.

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Thematic bonds report and external verification 2022

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Focus on Sustainability

We continue to be one of the most sustainable banks in the world -according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index - 

We prioritize actions that positively impact the economic, environmental and social development of the countries in which we operate.

Ethical Bank

The elements that make up our economic dimension


Find out the structure of our economic dimension.

Inclusive Bank

Discover the factors that conform our social dimension.

Sustainability Model

Discover the economic, social and environmental goals included in our Model.

Protocols and Partnerships

Discover the various international protocols to which we have adhered in the Bancolombia Group.


Discover the initiatives that lead us to be more sustainable every day.

Why are we sustainable?

The goal

200.000 cubic meters

Reducing water consumption by 50% by 2020 compared to 2010.

If we achieve this

It would be like not consuming the water that would fill 64 Olympic swimming pools.

The goal

1.800.000 kilometers

Reducing travel by 16% in 2020 compared to 2010.

If we make it

It would be like going around the planet 141 times less.

The goal

8 million KWh

Reducing energy consumption by 10% in 2020 compared to 2010.

If we achieve this

It would be like saving the electricity consumption of almost 3.000 homes, each with 3 inhabitants.

The Goal

88.500 kg of paper

Reducing paper consumption by 35% by 2020 compared to 2010.

If we achieve this

It would be like not consuming nearly 40.000 reams of paper, which would cover a distance of half the diameter of the planet.

Take Action Now

Sustainable Actions

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