Web Content Viewer
Web Content Viewer
Grupo Bancolombia
Corporate Information
Condiciones de Uso
Web Content Viewer
Condiciones de Uso
Terms and Conditions
Through www.grupobancolombia.com, we offer investors, shareholders, risk assesment companies, journalists and general public, institutional information of their interest of Grupo Bancolombia.
¿What will you find on the website?
Institutional information, including our governance model, structure and documents of inter-est about Corporate Governance. Also, you will find the management and sustainability re-port, which includes Bancolombia’s financial results. You’ll be able to find information about
A Grupo Bancolombia’s sustainability strategy. Value holders can find information which can help them to take financial decisions, for example, company’s financial information, im-portant documents for shareholders’ assembly, risk qualifications, and disclosures made under the relevant information mechanism.
B The information you will find on the website is informative, we make our best effort so the content can be used as reference by our investors and shareholders for decision making, you’ll also find content of interest for the general public
Third parties information on our website
Some information presented on the website is obtained from third parties as Bolsa de Valores de Colombia S.A. and allies who we have no relation with. This information is of their property, but they authorized us to in-clude it on our website with informative pur-poses.
You will also find links to third parties’ websites. By having these links, the Com-pany is not approving the third parties’ websites, nor their content. Also, we’re not guaranteeing their products, services or information offered on the linked web-site.
Any transaction you make with third parties on linked websites, will be your and third party´s responsibility.
Information’s property
Information on the website, whether it is from Grupo Banco-lombia or a third party, is protected by Copyright or any other form of Property. This applies to texts, software, music, sound, photographs, videos, graphics, etc.
You must refrain from publishing, relay or commercialize under any title or by any means, totally or partially, the infor-mation found on the website and the linked websites, you might incur in responsibility for violating Copyright, accord-ing to current laws.
You can copy website’s content for personal use, not commercial, as long as every Copyright notice stays intact and the source is quoted.
You can’t broadcast, transfer, reform, publish, reproduce, distribute, sell, rent or commercialize information without our authorization.
You’re responsible for interpretation and usage of data and information provided on this website.
Data protection
It’s very important for us the privacy of everyone who visits our website. We have guidelines for Personal Data Administration and Treatment, which you can read anytime on the following link.
You may consider that through our website, we’ll be able to access your device’s functionalities such as geolocation, phone, photos, media, archives, storage, camera, connection information, mobile device ID and biometric authentication. We can also share information with allied third parties and/or providers, with the purpose of developing operational and administrative activ-ities related to functionality, operativity and usage.
By sharing information on the website, you authorize Grupo Bancolombia’s entities to use shared information, with the purposes of communicating with you, make personalized responses to concerns and commentaries, or attend any necessity you have about a product´s or service´s information.
A We have implemented electronic and administrative procedures for protecting and help prevent unauthorized access, loss, misuse, alteration and personal data theft.
B You might be responsible of damages you cause to Grupo Bancolombia or any third party for misusing the website, according to the website’s usage conditions.
C Remember you must have the physical and technological means that allow you to receive or broadcast the information required by the website, you must also assume every cost related to the device, communication media, internet and other necessary for using the website and its services.
We’ll be able to include functionalities, modify or suppress website’s content and modify these Terms and Conditions. We will try to inform this previously on the website so you can know the changes.
Colombian Law will apply to these Terms and Conditions, the information on the website and any conflict that may arise, and will be submitted to Colombian judges and Courts.