Board of Directors - Julián Mora Gómez | Grupo Bancolombia
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Julián Mora Gómez
![Julián Mora Gómez](/wcm/connect/www.grupobancolombia.com15880/f62d4c52-cf88-4455-a271-bbcb79d98d56/foto-julian-mora-gomez.png?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_9O44G4S049MAD06H7SNS78I2D3-f62d4c52-cf88-4455-a271-bbcb79d98d56-p07sE.B)
Julián Mora´s misssion within the organization is to direct and guide the ethical, human, regulatory, financial, reputational and communications management teams, which contribute to guarantee of the sustainability and profitability of the business.
Mr. Mora is a Lawyer from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. He holds a specialization in insurance from the same university and a MBA from the EADA Business School. He conducted studies on money laundering and terrorist financing risk management, among others.
During his extensive career of more tan 20 years inside Grupo Bancolombia, he has performed as lawyer, alternate member of the board of directors of the employee mutual investment fund, commercial and regional manager of Fiduciaria Bancolombia, director of industry and trade of Banca de Inversión, chief of Fiduciaria Bancolombia, and as compliance officer for Bancolombia, Valores Bancolombia, Fiduciaria Bancolombia and Banca de Inversión. He has also performed as Professor in Universidad Javeriana.
He was chief of Fiduciaria until january of 2022, and lately he performed as Vice President of Compliance and Senior Compliance Officer until 2023, when he was appointed Corporate Vice President.
He is not a PEP under Colombian regulation.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of some subordinates.