Grupo Bancolombia

Corporate Information

Mauricio Botero Wolff

Mauricio Botero Wolff


Mauricio Botero's mission within the organization is to direct and integrate the formulation and execution of the strategy and the strategy of financial management and treasury, for all the Group's companies and businesses in all geographies. 

He seeks the generation of value for all our stakeholders, is responsible for the growth and for the financial solidity of the organization.

He is an administrative engineer from the Antioquia School of Engineering (Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia), he specialized in economics at the University of Los Andes and has an MBA from Emory University, which he completed as a Fulbright scholar. Additionally, he is part of the CFO Program at Columbia Business School.

He´s held different positions at Grupo Bancolombia. Among others, he was a Corporate Trader in the Treasury Vicepresidence, he led the Investor Relations Management, the Acquisitions Integration Management, the Corporate Projects Management and assumed the Vicepresidency of Administrative Services and Security in 2016, which later evolved in 2022 to the Vicepresidency of Customer and Employee Services. 

In August 2024 he was appointed Corporate Vicepresident of Strategy and Finance.  

He is not considered PEP under Colombian regulation.
He belongs to the Boards of Directors of some subordinate companies.