Grupo Bancolombia


Climate Change Strategy

Given the new risks and opportunities for our business and clients, we understand the relevance of this issue today. Hence, our Climate Change Management Strategy includes guidelines provided by the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), through which we have identified and managed physical and transitional risks for our direct and loan operations.




We developed targets for our loan and investment portfolios and submitted them for validation by Science Based Targets Initiative, as part of our commitment under the Net Zero Banking Alliance.



We continued to measure our progress against our financed issuances and developed strategies toward reaching net zero. The year’s management report shows progress in terms of climate scenario analysis. For CDP, we obtained the B performance rating. 



We used PCAF methodologies to quantify the CO2 emissions financed by Bancolombia (79% of these greenhouse gas emissions are concentrated in 7% of our loan portfolio). Additionally, we defined our policy of zero exposure to carbon by 2030. For CDP, we obtained an A- performance rating.



Using the PACTA methodology, we conducted our first quantitative portfolio exposure to emission-intensive analysis in sectors under different long-term climate scenarios. We worked on a transition strategy towards a low-carbon economy for these sectors. For CDP, we obtained the B performance rating.

Read More Information about the Carbon Disclosure Projects from Previous Years.

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This is how we execute our strategy

Our corporate purpose is to promote sustainable economic development to achieve wellbeing for all. For this reason, with the interest to build and contribute to more sustainable cities and communities, we have defined a strategy to contribute for the development of a low carbon economy in Colombia. To achieve this, we have an ambition to finance more than 40 trillion pesos by 2030 towards the support we will provide to agriculture, livestock, mobility, building, renewable energies, and the most sensitive industries, to help them to achieve their climate change targets.


This policy defines two scenarios:


Transition Scenario: Under this scenario, we seek to advise our cement, energy, oil and gas, steel, transportation and livestock business clients in their transition to a low carbon economy. Specifically, for these industries we propose an engagement strategy aimed at the transformation of their business models, so that we can take part along with them to identify and finance opportunities that contribute to the sustainable transformation of each of these sectors. It is important to consider that in this scenario we are not declaring a lower risk exposure, but a reduction in the financing of specific polluting activities in said industries.

Cement Transition Plan

Energy Transition Plan

Coal phase-out scenario: Under this scenario we are committed to have zero credit portfolio exposure in coal mining and coal power generation industries by 2030. Except for those operations whose terms were agreed to prior to the enforcement of this policy. Long-term loans will be allowed to finance projects seeking to reduce GHG emissions or environmental impact, with a maximum disbursement date of December 2025 and a maximum maturity date of December 2027. Short-term financing for working capital is also allowed until December 2025.

Please see Policy_ sensitive industries to Climate Change Policy.

Engagement with clients of the Coal Industry


In 2019, we updated our internal climate change policy. Our main objective: To identify and manage the risks and opportunities related to climate change to develop the necessary actions to align the business strategy with the goals established in the Paris agreement.

This policy covers our entire operation in the countries where we do business. This policy focuses on the economic sectors that are most vulnerable to climate change. Likewise, it focuses on sectors that generate a greater impact through greenhouse gas emissions in their activities development and on others that can derive greater opportunities through implementing mitigation and adaptation measures related to this phenomenon. See Climate Change Policy.

Our climate change management and performance consider 4 fundamental pillars per the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures):






Risk management


Metrics and Goals

Results of quantifying our financed emissions using the PCAF methodology (Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials). See the results of our financed emissions.

We understand that as a financial industry our biggest impact on climate change is in our financed emissions. In this sense, complying with our commitments in Science Based Targets Initiative and Net Zero Banking Alliance, our climate targets can be found here

In Grupo Bancolombia we currently only finance conventional Oil & Gas practices. We are constantly monitoring the trends in this industry, the strategy of the governments where we operate, the environmental impacts of new Oil and Gas methods, among other aspects.

We have voluntarily adhered to various frameworks to stay current, apply best practices, and report on our management.

2020 – Net-Zero Banking Alliance

We joined the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) as one of 43 banks worldwide committed to the Paris Agreement.

2020 – PCAF

We adhered to this global framework for financial institutions to measure and disclose greenhouse gas emissions from investment product portfolios.

2019 – TCFD

We adhered to the TCFD as part of a voluntary initiative that includes recommendations on making climate risk disclosure more effective.

2019 – Climate Action 100+

We invest to ensure that companies generating the highest GHG emissions act on climate change. We are 450 investors with more than 40tn USD of assets.

2019 - Business ambition 1.5°C

We signed the document in which we commit for 24 months to align our decarbonization plans with a 1.5°C scenario.

2015 - Science Based Targets

The World Resources Institute and WWF–in partnership with the United Nations Global Compact–support companies to set more planet-conscious goals.

Climate Finance Leadership Initiative

UN Special Envoy Michael R. Bloomberg has joined forces with BBVA and Bancolombia to launch CFLI Colombia, the first CFLI country pilot in Latin America. These pilots are a private-sector led, country-specific approach to mobilizing climate finance at scale.


CFLI Colombia was launched on April 2022 and is designed to identify and accelerate both financial and policy solutions to move capital into sectors and activities that are critical to achieving a low-carbon and climate resilient economy as well as to helping to reach the NDC ambitions.


2021 GFANZ

In 2021 Bancolombia has joined GFANZ. Its alliance provides a forum for leading financial institutions to accelerate the transition to a net-zero global economy. Members currently include banks, asset managers, asset owners, insurance companies, etc., from across the global financial sector, representing more than $130 trillion in assets under management and advice.

Among more than 450 member institutions, Bancolombia is part of the Principals Group made up of 19 CEOs worldwide.

2021 Net-Zero

In 2021 Bancolombia has joined the Net-Zero Asset Managers Initiative, an international group of asset managers committed to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius; and to supporting investing aligned with net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner.


We adhered to NZAM compromising to align our investment portfolios with climate neutral scenarios before 2050, being the first Latin American institution in the Alliance.



We understand the importance of protecting and conserving our country’s ecosystems. Therefore, BanCO2 is an initiative that transforms the lives of families committed to protecting ecosystems.

One of Colombia’s leading payments for environmental services (PES) schemes. This scheme benefits the environment, increases resilience and sustainability, and strengthens peace in the territories, improving the quality of life of those who live there. Additionally, it contributes to reducing social and armed conflict in the different territories and communities.


Objetivos de BanCO2

Bio BanCO2

In this line of conservation, we have contributed to safeguarding vital ecosystems for species such as:

Andean Condor
Pink Dolphin
Andean Bear
Sloth bear

BanCO2 Water

This line of conservation aims to preserve strategic ecosystems with springs, bodies of water, or aquifers. Municipalities and departments compensate farmers, communities, and landowners for conserving water sources.

BanCO2 Plus

This line of conservation corresponds to the Payment for Environmental Services, focused on a modality to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation that can be avoided. Thus, protecting several key ecosystems with rural communities that receive economic incentives. The purpose is to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere in the country, thus providing economic incentives to rural communities through protecting strategic ecosystems.

BanCO2 Potter & Limekiln Workers

Argos and Corpoboyacá, with BancO2’s support, pay 150 Pottery and Limekiln worker families from the Nobsa and Sogamoso municipalities of Nobsa in Boyacá, who no longer use fire in their ovens to avoid greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Marine BanCO2

In 2017, 28 Raizal fishermen were linked for the first time in Colombia through Other BancO2 Conservation Incentives directly associated with the sea. This incentive was jointly linked to Coralina, the Archipelago of San Andrés Providencia, and Santa Catalina Governor’s Office and Conservación Internacional Colombia, for constructing coral nurseries to house more than 2000 fragments of coral species.

How is BanCO2 and Bancolombia linked? –Bancarización

Associated rural families have access to mechanisms suitable for payment through Bancolombia with the “Ahorro a la Mano” program, consisting of a savings account managed through any cell phone, with no handling fee to save up to COP 5,000,000. In addition, it offers various benefits, including life and hospitalization insurance. Payment through this product eliminates intermediation and financial costs.

Fiducia Bancolombia & BanCO2

Since its creation, BanCO2 has been considered a scheme with specific resources. Its sources come from mandatory and voluntary compensations from the public and private sectors. In the beginning, Masbosques, as BanCO2 operator, managed the resources through bank accounts. However, since the alliance between Bancolombia & BanCO2, a fiduciary scheme built through an Autonomous Patrimony was implemented, thus, collecting and executing the scheme’s resources. This new mechanism provides financial security and confidence for voluntary or mandatory resource contributors.

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