Grupo Bancolombia


We support our clients in developing projects that use clean technologies and renewable energies and optimize processes using resources, clean fuels, biodiversity conservation, waste, emissions, and dumping reduction efficiently. Likewise, we promote technological restructuring and the development of new business models that leverage the circular economy to positively impact society and reduce the effects on the environment and its transformation into sustainable businesses.

How do we promote sustainability?

In Bancolombia, we understand we must be proactive in a changing environment facing great economic, social, and environmental challenges; hence, we incorporate Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) variables in our corporate strategyn. In Bancolombia, we understand we must be proactive in a changing environment facing great economic, social, and environmental challenges; hence, we incorporate Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) variables in our corporate strategy:

  • icon-people

    Strengthening productive capacity

  • icon-investment

    Building sustainable cities and communities

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    Promoting financial inclusion

This commitment encompasses our activities in all business sectors –Corporate Banking, Companies, SMEs, Independent Contractors, Individuals, Government, Institutional, Investment Banking, Fiduciary, Securities, Asset Management, Private Banking, etc. In addition, it includes our due diligence processes, involvement, KYC processes, and financing through innovative products to finance sustainable solutions.

We have a team specialized in sustainable financing that incorporates aspects such as:

Technical specialist accompaniment

We visit our clients to identify sustainable and efficiency-generating project opportunities with in-house technical or vendor experts.

Consulting services for implementing the new environmental regulations

We stay current on environmental legislation that may affect our clients; thus, we build specific articles and training to help all parties complete implementation plans.

Environmental and social risk analysis

In some projects–based on our policies–we assist our clients in financing and achieving them after identifying compliance requirements.

Commercial team training

We have virtual and face-to-face training, allowing our sales team to identify opportunities in sustainable projects.

Participation in fairs and academic events

We participate in sustainability events, sharing our strategies and technical expertise with clients and stakeholders.

Innovation in sustainable financing

We evaluate different financing mechanisms through multilateral funds. Likewise, we actively seek alliances for our clients with international aid workers and develop special credit lines with our resources or through the Development bank to develop sustainable products and projects.

Our Corporate Strategy Results

Might be of interest

Sustainable Companies
Sustainable Financing
Sustainable Investment
Financial Inclusion