Corporate ESG Criteria | Grupo Bancolombia
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Display portlet menuKnowing our customers and ensuring their principles align with ours is also important in our sustainability procedures.
Due Diligence Process:
Bancolombia’s policies, controls, and procedures have been designed and implemented with a risk-oriented approach. They are based on due diligence to prevent criminal elements from using our entity. We have adopted and implemented a Risk Management System for Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (SARLAFT), which complies with the regulations of the financial sector (Organic Statute of the Financial System –EOSF), other instructions issued by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia, including the FATF1 recommendations and the best international standards.
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Mejoramiento en el conocimiento de nuestros clientes y sus operaciones.
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Segmentación de clientes, productos, canales y jurisdicciones.
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Monitoreo de transacciones.
This includes improving our knowledge about our customers and their operations, client segmentation, product, channel, and jurisdiction segmentation, and transaction monitoring, resulting, when applicable, in reporting suspicious transactions to the competent authorities. Conduct procedures and rules related to implementing all SARLAFT control mechanisms and instruments are included in the SARLAFT Handbook, and Code of Ethics approved by our Board of Directors which is mandatory for all Bancolombia collaborators.
Analysis of Environmental and Social Risks in Financing:
In addition to promoting sustainability in the businesses we finance, we have adhered to the agreement of the Equator Principles of the World Bank. We are part of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP-FI), the Principles for Responsible Banking, the Business Ambition for 1.5°C initiative, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, have an alliance with World Wildlife Fund (WWF), actively participating within the Green Protocol of the National Government. In addition, it has committed to environmental and social sustainability principles by applying the standards defined by the “International Finance Corporation –IFC” or other applicable standards.
We share ESG practices and knowledge with our clients through various mechanisms generating a differential experience.
ESG Media Involvement:
In 2021, we reached a 25,371-client audience through different portals. We published more than 35 pieces of content between articles and podcasts with valuable knowledge, guides, and forecasts that allow incorporating ESG criteria into daily activities.:
Direct ESG involvement:
We accompany our clients in incorporating ESG practices in their businesses through events and consulting. In 2021, we impacted approximately 13,800 clients with more than 20 events in Colombia and 205 technical consulting services in sustainable financing, trends and sustainable benefits, cleaner production, energy efficiency, renewable energies, sustainable construction and livestock, and responsible investment.
We also implemented expert consulting initiatives for our clients with national and international partners in livestock and sustainable construction, impacting 150 and 55 clients, respectively. -
In 2021, due to this work, we impacted 41,506 clients (10.5% of total business clients) in our Corporate and Investment Banking business.Find more information in our sustainability report.
As part of our business vision, Grupo Bancolombia does not finance companies or projects related to the production, marketing, or use of the products, substances, and activities included in our exclusion list.
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Display portlet menuESG financing products
We offer different solutions to our clients based on our ESG criteria that have been designed with these characteristics from the outset, and their use represents support towards our sustainability goals:
Sustainable Financing Lines:
This strategy seeks to support the development and implementation of projects that promote the use of clean technologies, renewable energy, efficient energy use, waste reduction, emissions and discharges, clean fuels, among others.
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Display portlet menuSustainable and Green Bonds:
Green and sustainable bonds are debt securities issued to generate capital specifically to support projects with environmental/social benefits. Since 2016, we have issued 4 green and sustainable bonds, accounting for COP 1.9 billion in Colombia and a Banistmo issuance for USD 50 million. These issuances have been made both in the secondary market and in the primary market, with international buyers such as IFC and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Learn about the results of the Sustainable Emissions Framework until 2021 and the Sustainable Emissions Framework from 2022.
Green/Sustainable Infrastructure Financing:
We provide solutions through financial leasing and loan operations for sustainable infrastructure projects, including solar farms in non-interconnected areas, small hydroelectric plants, and energy efficiency projects in public lighting.
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Display portlet menuESG financing product figures 2021
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Find Out More about Other Sustainable Financing Lines