Grupo Bancolombia


What investments can be financed?

Sustainable Companies

At Grupo Bancolombia we are focused on supporting companies that have sustainability projects, those that have promulgated from their business purposes to generate positive environmental, social and economic impact. Among the companies that are called sustainable, we find:

Certified B Corporations
Sustainable High-Impact Entrepreneurs HIE

Sustainable livestock

Applicable for financing investments that promote more productive livestock systems, preserving forest areas and bodies of water. Agro Sostenible finances these types of projects.


Energy efficiency

Projects for lower energy consumption than other methods or equipment performing the same activity. It is measured per unit of the finished product.

  • Machinery and equipment technological reconversion such as efficient lighting.
  • Air conditioning.
  • Refrigeration.
  • Boilers.
  • Heat pumps.
  • Air compression systems.
  • Automatic controls, and sensors.

Renewable energy

Projects for generating electricity or heat through renewable energy sources obtained from natural resources, renewable and essentially inexhaustible–either due to the large amount of energy they contain or because they can be regenerated through natural means–such as:

Biogas or Biomass

Cleaner production

Projects to implement control and prevention measures for the pollution resulting from any production process, such as water pollution from dumping, air pollution from atmospheric emissions or environmental noise, hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste generation, or any other industrial process using efficiency measures in natural resource consumption.

  • Wastewater treatment systems (WWTS).
  • Irrigation systems.
  • Solid waste compactors.
  • Emission control systems.
  • Emission control systems.
  • Rainwater harvesting.
  • Assets related to the efficient use of raw materials.

Circular economy

Projects to turn products, materials, or assets into waste valorization, maintain natural capital, optimize resource yields, and minimize system risks, such as eco-design, industrial symbiosis, improved functionality, reuse, repair, remanufacturing, and waste or by-product recovery projects.


Sustainable Construction

Applies to projects and investments in sustainable constructions with environmental certifications such as (LEED, EDGE, Referential CASA Colombia, HQE, etc. The client must send the respective pre-certification of the project issued by one of the certifying companies and/or demonstrate that it is in progress. to obtain it. Once the work is finished, you must submit the corresponding certification. It has different benefits in terms of time for:

  • Construction clients
  • Customers from other segments
  • Sustainable Home Buyers
  • Clients sustainable individual builder and reforms

Sustainable mobility

Any project associated with acquiring cargo or passenger transport vehicles and/or mass transport systems powered by electric power, hybrid systems, or natural gas NGV. It also applies to purchasing motorcycles and electric bicycles for use in companies subject to sustainable line financing and physical or technological infrastructure for sustainable mobility and the assembly of hybrid and electric vehicles. Hybrid vehicles using Diesel as a fossil fuel do not apply.


Sustainability certification

Applies for financing associated costs with environmental certifications; for instance, Colombian Environmental Seal, Fair Trade, RSPO, Global Gap, Carbon Neutrality, etc. Likewise, for certifications in Sustainable Construction, such as EDGE, LEED, Referential CASA Colombia, and any other endorsed by a certifying entity, including hired expert and certification costs –the fee paid to the certifying entity.


Sustainable technology suppliers

Applicable for financing suppliers that offer sustainable technologies related to the same topics applying to the line; for example, energy efficiency, renewable energies, cleaner production, sustainable construction, mobility, agriculture, livestock, etc. Suppliers shall submit support of contracts with their clients; based on this, suppliers will be loaned on the amount of these contracts. The supplier shall present support of contracts with its customers, according to which it is loaned the amount of these contracts.


Line Characteristics



Public and private clients in the Business sector with financial statements and sales over COP 280 million (Businesses and Independent Contractors, SMEs, and Companies), including the Corporate sector.

Financing amount per operation


It depends on the social and environmental impact generated by the project after an internal evaluation.


  • Up to 84 months (for energy efficiency, cleaner production, and sustainable mobility projects).
  • Up to 120 months (for sustainable construction and renewable energy).




Principal grace period


Only current interest is generated and paid on the principal balance for up to 24 months.
*Aplica para el Crédito sostenible

Capital repayment

  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Semi-annual
  • Annual
  • payment plan

Interest payments

  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Semi-annual
  • Annual

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