Grupo Bancolombia


Human Rights and Our Collaborators

As a fundamental principle, we declare that we DO NOT support in any way any discrimination based on color, gender, race, language, religion, economic or social condition, political or philosophical opinion, national or social origin, or otherwise, as such discrimination could violate a person’s inalienable right to equal treatment and opportunities in the different activities that individuals practice in the organization.

Grupo Bancolombia’s collaborators have different communication channels to generate relationships that continuously promote an environment conducive to human rights due diligence. Integrity is our main decision-making and ethical behavior driver. We have mechanisms to protect human rights in the organization’s day-to-day operations.

Our Commitment to Human Rights

Ethics Committee

Made up of the highest executives of the organization, such as corporate vice presidents and managers of the Human Relations area, who are permanently trained in ethical issues to strengthen trust and credibility. This committee is responsible for providing ethics guidelines and programs, monitoring the performance of reporting mechanisms, receiving reports on the evolution of the organization, and making recommendations to improve performance in transparency and integrity.

Ethical line

It is the mechanism and means most recognized by relationship groups; where centralizers and qualified investigators ensure that reported cases are investigated and resolved under strict parameters of neutrality and confidentiality.

Labor Coexistence Committee

In accordance with the legislation and National Constitution of Colombia in force, this team must be composed of representatives of the workers, freely elected, with a periodicity of 2 years and 2 representatives of the companies, where its main purpose is to know and resolve cases of labor harassment of any kind, always within the framework of confidentiality and impartiality.

In 2021, the Ethics Hotline was most used by our stakeholders. Collaborators also use the coexistence committee, established under Colombian and Panamanian regulations, that investigates workplace harassment complaints. There was one (1) case where related third parties violated human rights, and remediation measures were immediately implemented. We investigate all cases under strict parameters of neutrality and confidentiality.

In 2021, we also promoted violence and discrimination-free environments inside and outside the organization. Therefore, we strengthened the Contigo Line, a psychological care and advice–specialized in diversity, violence, discrimination, and mental health–channel for our Collaborators and sometimes for suppliers’ collaborators and collaborators’ family members. We accompanied 530 users and handled 678 cases.

Incidentes de discriminación y medidas correctivas adoptadas CRI 406-1

We have a methodology and internal protocols to manage these cases focused on remediating vulnerability cases to risk in HRD. The remediations in these cases are led by the Human Resources department, where these guidelines promote the best possible action so that violations are remedied as expected.


Learn More about The Pillars of Human Rights

Human Rights in Business

Human Rights in Supply Chains

Human Rights in Society

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